High school student Yuji Sakai thought his normal life would last forever, until his fateful walk home from school… Plunging suddenly into an alternate reality, Yuji sees human souls being taken by monsters called ‘Denizens of the Crimson Realm’, and he is next in line to be consumed!
Just as he is attacked, a sword-wielding girl in black attire, flaming red eyes and hair appears and destroys the monster. Identifying herself as a ‘Flame Haze’, she turns out to be an enforcer of balance in the world’s spiritual realm. She also reveals to Yuji that he does not possess an ordinary soul but one called the ‘Mystes’ which holds a powerful treasure sought after by the ‘Denizens of the Crimson Realm’ for selfish purposes that disrupt the world’s balance.
Promising to protect Yuji, she becomes his guardian and companion in everyday life. Without a name, the girl is named ‘Shana’ by Yuji, after the sword she wields. Sharing a seemingly ordinary daily life together as students, Yuji and Shana fight a perpetual war to keep the balance of the mystical spiritual realm, while their feelings for each other grow…
I'm a otaku... kameko, ilustrator, conceptor, and creator a person who loved to following anime updated, toys updated, cosplayer event or photosession updated. if u confussed describe me, just call me an otaku... :D
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